December 3, 1946: 75 years ago, Dec 2 1946, 10,000 workers amassed in downtown Oakland in [...]

75 years ago, Dec 2 1946, 10,000 workers amassed in downtown Oakland in solidarity with striking retail store clerks. The rank-and-file action marked the true beginning of the Oakland General Strike, one day before it was officially called by the AFL Central Labor Council The General Strike grew out of …

November 10, 1849: San Francisco's First Recorded Strike

November 10 1849, San Francisco carpenters and joiners went on strike, demanding a pay increase from $12 to $16 per day. The action, which resulted in a $14 compromise, was the first recorded strike in California history.

November 9, 1919: 102 years ago, Nov 9 1919, Socialist Party members from San Francisco, San [...]

102 years ago, Nov 9 1919, Socialist Party members from San Francisco, San Jose, Fresno, and beyond met in Oakland to form the California chapter of the Communist Labor Party. The Bay Area’s first Leninist group, the CLP was immediately the target of brutal government suppression The CLP had been …

November 7, 1968: 53 years ago, November 6 1968, the Black Student Union and the Third World [...]

53 years ago, November 6 1968, the Black Student Union and the Third World Liberation Front at San Francisco State University began the longest student strike in US history, spawning the departments of Black Studies and Ethnic Studies at SFSU, and Ethnic Studies and UC Berkeley

November 4, 1963: 58 years ago, Nov 3 1963, the Ad Hoc Committee to End Discrimination [...]

58 years ago, Nov 3 1963, the Ad Hoc Committee to End Discrimination organized a mass sit-in at Mel’s Drive-in on Geary St. in San Francisco to protest the restaurant’s racially discriminatory hiring practices, becoming the first mass sit-in of the Bay Area’s Civil Right Movement The Ad Hoc Committee …