June 7, 1974: 50 years ago, June 7 1974, 4,400 nurses went on strike across 41 clinics [...]

50 years ago, June 7 1974, 4,400 nurses went on strike across 41 clinics and hospitals in the Bay Area. The California Nurses’ Association (CNA) held their national convention in San Francisco during the 21 day strike, which won workers an 11% raise but few other concessions

June 7, 1969: 55 years ago, June 6 1969, 400 people were assaulted by Berkeley police [...]

55 years ago, June 6 1969, 400 people were assaulted by Berkeley police and evicted from People’s Park Annex after the breakup of a torchlight procession from Sproul Plaza to People’s Park. BPD clubbed sleeping people, beat pets, uprooted flowers and broke trees during the attack Ahead of a Saturday …

June 6, 1934: 90 years ago, June 6 1934, amid a strike in Brentwood by the Communist [...]

90 years ago, June 6 1934, amid a strike in Brentwood by the Communist Party-led Cannery & Agricultural Workers Industrial Union (CAWIU), around 200 apricot workers and organizers (along with their families) were rounded up in cattle pens and “deported” out of Contra Costa County Since 1932, the CAWIU had …

June 5, 1966: 58 years ago, June 23 1966, tenants of Alameda's Estuary Housing Project [...]

58 years ago, June 23 1966, tenants of Alameda’s Estuary Housing Project ended a 5-day occupation of Franklin Park after the city agreed to many of their demands, relocating some residents and delaying the demolition of the majority-Black community The Estuary, adjacent to Naval Air Station Alameda, was built during …

June 4, 2011: 13 years ago, June 3 2011, a "roving street party" snaked through downtown [...]

13 years ago, June 3 2011, a “roving street party” snaked through downtown Oakland, the first in a series of anti-austerity marches called Anticut. An immediate precursor to the spatial politics of Occupy Oakland, Anticut attempted to challenge the city’s rapid gentrification