February 19, 1968: 56 years ago, Feb 18 1968, San Francisco police attacked an impromptu [...]

56 years ago, Feb 18 1968, San Francisco police attacked an impromptu street festival in the Haight-Ashbury for “impeding traffic,” bearing down on the crowd with batons and teargas. The crowd, 146 of whom were arrested, responded with bottles, eggs, and two molotov cocktails The Peace and Freedom Party held …

February 17, 1968: 56 years ago, Feb 17 1968, thousands rallied at the Oakland Auditorium on [...]

56 years ago, Feb 17 1968, thousands rallied at the Oakland Auditorium on Huey Newton’s birthday to call for his freedom. It widely covered across the county and internationally, drastically raising the profile of the Black Panther Party and popularizing the slogan “Free Huey” The rally featured three of SNCC’s …

February 16, 1970: 54 years ago, February 16 1970, a pipe bomb exploded at the San Francisco [...]

54 years ago, February 16 1970, a pipe bomb exploded at the San Francisco Police Dept’s Park Station, killing Sergeant Brian McDonnell. No group claimed responsibility. While authorities have blamed the Weather Underground and the Black Liberation Army, the case remains unsolved That same week, a bomb at a police …

February 15, 1968: 56 years ago, Feb 15 1968, inmates at San Quentin State Prison went on [...]

56 years ago, Feb 15 1968, inmates at San Quentin State Prison went on strike, declaring a “Convict Unity Holiday.” Outside, 500 demonstrators held a solidarity festival at which the Grateful Dead played. The strike escalated throughout the week, soon leading to a total lockdown In Jan 1967, a “race …

The true revolutionary is guided by great feelings of love 💘

The true revolutionary is guided by great feelings of love 💘