Dec. 16, 1938: 85 years ago, Dec 16 1938, thousands of mostly Chinese demonstrators [...]

85 years ago, Dec 16 1938, thousands of mostly Chinese demonstrators marched to the San Francisco waterfront to picket the loading of scrap iron onto a Greek freighter bound for Japan. Longshoremen with ILWU Local 10 refused to cross the picket and ceased work for several days

The pickets were led by Chinese children and joined by hundreds of supporters including Lieutenant Governor-elect Ellis E. Patterson and anti-war Japanese like Communist Party leader Karl Yoneda. Local papers reported picketers ate “5000 Chinese meat buns [and] 2000 hot dogs”

Picketers withdrew after a few days, allowing the cargo to pass. ILWU leader Germain Bulcke asserted that the workers supported the picket “100 percent.” Almost 90 years later, ILWU’s tradition of international solidarity remains alive

@BigMeanInternet Happy birthday 😤😤😤😤

Last updated December 16, 2023