Jan. 19, 1941: 83 years ago, January 18 1941, two sailors cut down the Nazi flag from the [...]

83 years ago, January 18 1941, two sailors cut down the Nazi flag from the 10th story window of San Francisco’s German consulate. The sailors, who were arrested and later disciplined by military authorities in Washington, were cheered on by a crowd of thousands

The consulate did not ordinarily fly a swastika flag, but had been required to that day to mark the anniversary of the founding of the German Reich in 1871. After a large, angry crowd assembled, 5 sailors stormed the building, and 2 made the daring climb to cut down the flag

Deeply embarrassed by the incident, Secretary of State Hull wrote to the German government, “hasten[ing] to express the regret of the government of the United States.” The two sailors were dishonorably discharged, but allowed to re-enlist after the USA entered the war in December

Last updated January 18, 2024