May 1, 1969: 55 years ago, May 1 1969, 200 Stanford students associated with the April [...]

55 years ago, May 1 1969, 200 Stanford students associated with the April 3rd Movement occupied Encina Hall (which they renamed the “Huey P. Newton Institute for the Study of War, Racism, and Capitalism”), demanding an end to university involvement with war research

The movement, which began with a 9-day sit-in in April, chose Encina as a target after a mass meeting of almost 1000 students. Fistfights broke out as the Young Americans for Freedom, a right-wing student group, tried unsuccessfully to block the doors, which were then smashed

The occupation ended the next day, after 125 police deployed the hall. 33 students were suspended. That same day, faculty voted to meet one of the students’ demands, ending school credit for military training. Classified military research was soon eliminated as well

@lazybutts It’s not pictured here but the march and rally led to the plaza where they are setting up an encampment right now

Last updated May 1, 2024