Nov. 1, 1969: 54 years ago, October 31 1969, the Strategic Anarchy Command (SAC) [...]

54 years ago, October 31 1969, the Strategic Anarchy Command (SAC) celebrated Halloween by holding mock “war games” in Berkeley. The games turned into real street fighting with police after the crowd spontaneously ripped down the People’s Park fence and destroyed its alarm system

The SAC organized the games in order to demonstrate the advantages of decentralized organization in a “street fighting situation”. One of the radicals who organized the games, Lee Felsenstein, would later play a major role in the development of personal computers and the internet

@aalemans_ There isn’t much written or reported about them. Seem to have been one of many loose, a bit tongue-in-cheek Berkeley left groupings of the era. Also seem to only have been around in late 69 and early 70. This bit comes from an article in the Berkeley Barb

Last updated October 31, 2023