Aug. 19, 1970: 52 years ago, Aug 19 1970, over a thousand people protested at San [...]

52 years ago, Aug 19 1970, over a thousand people protested at San Francisco’s Civic Center plaza in support of the Soledad Brothers, Los Siete de la Raza, and Angela Davis, demanding freedom for all political prisoners and calling for an armed revolution in the United States

A group of militants marched down Market St and headed to the Hall of Justice, facing arrests and attacks by the police along the route. Eight people were arrested, some of them dragged directly into the police station and charged with carrying concealed weapons (flag poles)

A press conference held after the rally was led by organizer Gary Perez, who called for militants to “take what we learn [at these rallies]” and “move the revolution on to higher levels.” “Lines of demarcation are being drawn. You must decide if you are scholars or soldiers.”

Speakers at the rally included Los Siete attorney Charles Gerry and Penny Jackson, sister of George and Jonathan, who gave a speech about the revolutionary courage of her brother who was murdered by police earlier that month

Last updated August 19, 2022