May 21, 1979: 45 years ago, May 21 1979, over a dozen cop cars burned as thousands [...]

45 years ago, May 21 1979, over a dozen cop cars burned as thousands marched and rioted in San Francisco after word broke that Dan White received the most lenient verdict for murdering George Moscone and Harvey Milk. The evening would become known as the White Night riots

Once the verdict was announced several hundred gathered in the Castro to chants of “No justice, no peace” and “Out of the bars, into the streets.” After a moving speech from Cleve Jones, friend and student intern of Milk, a march and candlelight vigil was led to city hall

By the time the march reached city hall, thousands had joined the crowd and new chants emerged: “Kill Dan White” and “Dump Diane.” As cops arrived to city hall, many of whom had contributed to White’s defense fund, the crowd began smashing windows of the hall and battling cops

A police line pushed back the crowd and people began moving throughout the streets and lighting cop cars on fire, several of which exploded. As cops headed toward the Castro a police captain told a reporter “We lost the battle at City Hall. We aren’t going to lose this one”

Crowds gathered in the Castro. After some protestors took shelter in the Elephant Walk on Castro, cops busted in and wrecked the bar, shouting homophobic slurs and injuring dozens. Street battles raged through the night. By 1 A.M. 61 cops and over 100 protestors were hospitalized

The morning after, Harvey Milk’s birthday, Supervisor Harry Britt famously announced to a press conference that “[we] do not have anything to apologize for… We are reacting with anger because we are angry.” “No apologies” still serves as a unifying slogan recalling the riots

Last updated May 21, 2024