Feb. 26, 1992: 32 years ago, Feb 26 1992, over a thousand protesters disrupted a [...]

32 years ago, Feb 26 1992, over a thousand protesters disrupted a fundraiser for President George H.W. Bush in San Francisco, decrying the Bush administration’s inaction regarding the AIDS epidemic. Organized by ACT UP, the action called for a universal healthcare system

The demonstration also called for an end to the Bush administration’s ban on HIV-positive people entering the country, which ACT UP called “punitive and transparently racist.” A conflict between one demonstrator and a hostile motorist led to the protester “defecating” on his car

Brentwood soon became a model of capitalist domination, enacting what it called “the Brentwood Plan,” in which pickers signed a loyalty pledge with the sheriff in order to work, union agitation was outlawed, and potential organizers were kept out with threats of violence

The Brentwood strike and deportation took place in the context of a major labor upsurge in the Bay Area, as an ongoing waterfront strike (in which communists also played a leading role) was about to break into the general strike in San Francisco https://t.co/nopnxCz6GF

Last updated February 26, 2024