January 2, 1932: 90 years ago, January 1 1932, the west coast organ of the Communist Party [...]

90 years ago, January 1 1932, the west coast organ of the Communist Party USA, Western Worker, was first published in San Francisco In 1937, Western Worker merged with the west coast operations of the Daily Worker to form the People’s Daily World. People’s World published daily through 1957, when …

March 5, 1932: 92 years ago, March 5 1932, 250 workers attended a Free Speech [...]

92 years ago, March 5 1932, 250 workers attended a Free Speech demonstration organized by the Communist Party’s Trade Union Unity League and Unemployed Councils at the corner of 3rd & Howard Streets in San Francisco. They were attacked by SFPD, who beat the workers and arrested 5

April 18, 1932: 92 years ago, April 18 1932, the Communist Party's International Labor [...]

92 years ago, April 18 1932, the Communist Party’s International Labor Defense saved Dea Chong, a Chinese communist living in San Francisco, from deportation to China, where he was likely to be killed by the Kuomintang government. Chong instead emigrated to the Soviet Union

November 25, 1932: 91 years ago, Nov 25 1932, hundreds of striking Vacaville orchard workers, [...]

91 years ago, Nov 25 1932, hundreds of striking Vacaville orchard workers, many Filipino and Japanese, battled cops with sticks and rocks for over an hour, leaving several badly injured on both sides. The police had been attempting to escort a truck of scabs past the picket line The workers, …

December 4, 1932: 90 years ago, Dec 4 1932, brutal rioting broke out as hundreds of striking [...]

90 years ago, Dec 4 1932, brutal rioting broke out as hundreds of striking tree pruners organized by the Communist Party’s Cannery & Agricultural Workers’ Industrial Union marched to the Vacaville Library to hold a mass meeting about police brutality against strikers The next day, masked vigilantes stormed the jail …