March 10, 1916: 105 years ago, Mar 10 1916, anarchist Reb Raney distributed 5000 pro-birth [...]

105 years ago, Mar 10 1916, anarchist Reb Raney distributed 5000 pro-birth control pamphlets at a solidarity rally for Emma Goldman in San Francisco, kickstarting a local birth control campaign by Italian anarchists Gruppo Anarchico Volontá At the meeting, which about 300 attended, Raney distributed pro-birth control literature to the …

March 10, 1916: 108 years ago, March 10 1916, anarchist Reb Raney distributed 5,000 pro- [...]

108 years ago, March 10 1916, anarchist Reb Raney distributed 5,000 pro-birth control pamphlets at a solidarity rally for Emma Goldman in San Francisco, kickstarting a local birth control campaign by Italian anarchists Gruppo Anarchico Volontá At the meeting, which about 300 attended, Raney distributed pro-birth control literature to the …

June 11, 1916: 108 years ago, June 11 1916, a power line tower that provided energy to [...]

108 years ago, June 11 1916, a power line tower that provided energy to United Railroads was dynamited on San Bruno Mountain. The bombing was blamed on labor radical Tom Mooney, who had been organizing United Railroads streetcar workers for an apparently imminent strike The streetcar workers’ (commonly known as …

July 22, 1916: 107 years ago, July 22 1916, a bomb exploded at the San Francisco [...]

107 years ago, July 22 1916, a bomb exploded at the San Francisco Preparedness Day Parade, which called for the US to enter World War 1, leaving 10 dead and 40 injured. Prominent local labor leaders Tom Mooney and Warren Billings were framed for the bombing and sentenced to death …

August 24, 1916: 106 years ago, Aug 24 1896, the Oakland Times published a Letter to the [...]

106 years ago, Aug 24 1896, the Oakland Times published a Letter to the Editor written by Jack London where he urged readers and John McLees, who’s article he was responding to, to study socialism and “Read Carl Marx’s Capital” The August 24 letter was responding to and critiquing another …