November 1, 1969: 53 years ago, Oct 31 1969, the Committee for Homosexual Freedom/Gay [...]

53 years ago, Oct 31 1969, the Committee for Homosexual Freedom/Gay Liberation Front protested outside the San Francisco Examiner offices in response to homophobic articles. Examiner workers attacked them with bags of newsprint ink, which they smeared on the building’s walls The CHF, a revolutionary San Francisco gay rights group, …

November 1, 1969: 54 years ago, October 31 1969, the Strategic Anarchy Command (SAC) [...]

54 years ago, October 31 1969, the Strategic Anarchy Command (SAC) celebrated Halloween by holding mock “war games” in Berkeley. The games turned into real street fighting with police after the crowd spontaneously ripped down the People’s Park fence and destroyed its alarm system The SAC organized the games in …

November 5, 1969: 54 years ago, Nov 5 1969, the Berkeley Tenants Union executed its first [...]

54 years ago, Nov 5 1969, the Berkeley Tenants Union executed its first mass action, marching from Sproul Plaza to the offices of Golden Gate Management Co in downtown Berkeley. BTU successfully pressured Golden Gate to rescind eviction notices that had been given to two tenants Golden Gate owner Art …

November 21, 1969: 54 years ago, Nov 20 1969, 89 Native American activists occupied Alcatraz [...]

54 years ago, Nov 20 1969, 89 Native American activists occupied Alcatraz Island. The occupation, led by an ad-hoc group calling itself Indians of All Tribes, continued for nineteen months Since 1963, there had been numerous symbolic attempts by Indian activists to reclaim Alcatraz. After a failed attempt earlier that …

December 4, 1969: 53 years ago, Dec 4 1969, Students for a Democratic Society held a protest [...]

53 years ago, Dec 4 1969, Students for a Democratic Society held a protest against General Electric recruitment at Stanford University. When a right-wing student group began taking photos of the demonstrators, radical high school students beat them and stole their camera